Monday, October 26, 2009

Feeling tired, sleepy, sluggish?

Then ask yourself why? What could you change to make things better for yourself?
1. Get yourself on a good multi-vitamin. One that has been tested and proven to work well! Don't just go get a cheap multi-vitamin from the store. RESEARCH IT! We've gone through USANA before, but have found it's way too expensive for our budget. We now use Apex Energetics...and it's much less expensive. But just remember that the best kinds of multi-vitamins aren't ones that you take just once a day. Our body will absorb it first thing in the morning when you take it...and then what about the rest of the day. I take a total of 6 each day. (2 at each meal).

2. Eat better! Follow a low-glycemic diet. Eat more fruits and veggies...and WHOLE GRAINS. No more white bread, tortillas, chips, rice...go all 100% whole wheat and eat brown rice. Trust me! Your body will thank you! Fuel your body! Your body needs a certain type of fuel. I wouldn't put diesel fuel in my Malibu, because it wouldn't be good for my car! Same thing with our bodies. Put the right kind of fuel and you'll see great results. (and I'm not JUST talking about weight loss) You'll have more energy, stamina and you'll help your digestive system too.

3. Eat more fish, and/or start taking Fish Oil. I know...Yuck! I take it every single day, and yes...every now and then I burp it up! you know what Fish Oil contains? Omega 3 Fatty Acids. One of the signs that someone has an Omega 3 major FATIGUE??? Let's face it, I am at risk for cancer (ugh) since it runs in my I need to be fighting back!!! Omega 3 fatty acids kill off the free radicals in our bodies that cause cancer, heart disease, etc. This has been proven! So not only will eating fish or taking Fish Oil help you stay awake and alert, it will help to fight cancer and other diseases.

4. Exercise! We all know this! Exercising gives you the endorphins you need throughout your day. And make sure you're always challenging yourself. People who do the same workout routine every day...won't see results, because they're not challenging their bodies. Even me doing Billy Blanks every day (as hard as it is...) my body is used to the workout. So that's why I now have a combination of Billy Blanks, Turbo Jam, Spinning, Jillian, Yoga and jogging! Cross train, it's the way to go!

5. Make sure you're not bogging down your system with prescription meds! We're not hippies or anything, but we do try natural resources rather than jumping to the cupboard to get meds that are (bad for liver, bad for heart, bad for kidneys, may cause death, etc etc) So before you pop any meds, just ask yourself, "Is there an all-natural remedy that could help this?" Whenever we start feeling sick, do we go for the "Advil Cold and Sinus?"...NO, we grab the Echinacea and take it three times a day! I started getting a nasty sore throat on Friday...and I took a combination of Echinacea, Emergen-C, and my multi-vitamins every day, and by yesterday (Sunday) I was fine! No more symptoms! Nothing!!! Try it, it works!

6. Sleep!!! As fun as it can be to stay up with your significant other...just make the decision together that you'll go to bed together at a good time. John and I climb in bed on most nights at 9:45...we read scriptures, say prayers and go night night!!! That way we both can get up early and work out!

Just some tips from me to you! Tips that have worked for me...and some info that I've gotten from others that have helped me! Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

  1. great suggestions! I need to get back on a multi-vit. I'll look into that company. :)
