We've all got weaknesses...I'm going to tell you mine. Even though I am getting closer and closer to my goals, it doesn't mean I'm perfect. I slip up every now and then. I even feel weak at times. One I struggle with every now and then...is stopping once I get started.
I have great willpower from sweet things; however, if I take one bite...it's all over. I can't stop myself after that. I can't be one of those people that have one tiny bite of something sweet and be satisfied after that. So it's simple, I just say no...right?
Last night I went to a ward function and there was a table set up with LOTS of desserts. I decided even before I left that I would not eat anything there. (I had already eaten dinner). So I got there, and it wasn't a problem. I was slightly tempted, but I had already made the decision not to...partake, if you will. So I was proud of myself. It's not as if I will never again eat anything sweet, but I just have to be careful. Very careful! And I have to look at food and say, "Who's stronger, me?...or you??" The answer is obvious, we are stronger. And once I answer that question, I ask another. What do I want more...that cookie? Or a healthier me? Again, the answer is obvious!
Anyway, but that's my weakness. What's yours? If you feel so inclined to share!
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