Monday, January 3, 2011

5 Finger Shoes Journal Day 1

It's, forever since I've posted! So I thought I'd start by saying that I am starting to train again for a half marathon. It is on May 7th, and I am doing it differently. I had many "injuries" last time around, and I wanted to avoid that as much as possible. So I am trying out the 5 finger shoes. Hey guess what? Did you know that we all have toes? Did you know that we're actually supposed to be using them? Weird! Anyway, I have been running all wonder I got injured so much. So here it journal for the 5 finger shoes. I will be adding entries during my training about running...but more importantly, running with these new "non-shoes." So here we go.

The theory: Our feet evolved over millions of years to be efficient tools for bipedal propulsion, and then we immobilized the poor things in rubber, wrecking our natural gaits and atrophying our muscles. In the FiveFingers, Vibram makes a commodity out of the state of nature, an $80 shoe that simulates not wearing shoes. Tony says that regular training with these minimalist kicks can lead to increased stamina and lower injury rates--once you get used to them. -Runner's World

Day 1: I ran for 7 minutes and 30 seconds TOTAL. John told me I have to start out slow to build up the muscles that haven't really been used in this capacity. So I ran on the treadmill at about speed 5.0, and I did that for about an 1/8th of a mile, then it happened. My Tibialis Anteriors, one word...BURN!!!!

I knew it would happen, so I was prepared for it. So I slowed down my pace to a painful 2.5 on the ol' treadmill! I say painful because it is soooo slow! Painfully slow. But I know that I have to take baby steps in order for this to work. If you over-do it, you'll get injuries! But if you do it right, you will prevent future injuries. It will be worth it, I know it! At one point I closed my eyes and tried to really listen to my body and use my feet like we were naturally born to do. As it turns out, I have balance issues. So I opened my eyes so I wouldn't fall off the treadmill. I will have to listen to my body with my eyes open. So day 1, successful!

I feel good! Now off to practice some PiYo, so I can actually teach it on Thursday!

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