The surgery went well. (and by the way...if you don't want to hear girly-gross details, stop reading) :) But they didn't have to do an abdominal hysterectomy, which is great! Yesterday is sort of a blur. We waited for a while after being checked in, and finally they started prepping me. And the surgery lasted 2 hours. Waking up was painful, but not horrible. They had me pretty drugged. And the rest of the day was mostly sleeping and...more sleeping.
My night nurse was wonderful. She was so sensitive and caring. She was with me when I started hurting worse than ever. The pain up inside of me, plus just the worst! The doctor told me this pain is worse than childbirth, now I believe him. Early this morning the nurse Melinda wanted me to go on a walk. So she took me (very slowly) for a little walk outside my room. I was told, but had forgotten...that they put me in the maternity ward. (let's dig the knife a little deeper eh?) So on my walk I just cried and cried. I told her I hadn't planned this and didn't want this. I wanted a baby, not a surgery! She was so supportive. She held my hand and let me cry. When John left for work this morning, I lost it again. I felt depressed and scared to face the day without him. And I was hurting.
Coughing, sneezing, blowing my nose...used to be easy! Not today! So earlier I was in so much pain I couldn't even sit up. Turns out they put gauze up inside of me to control the bleeding. The gauze was causing so much pain and pressure. They kept telling me the doc would be in soon to remove it...they told me that at 9:00AM. He didn't come remove it until about 1:45PM! Needless to say it has been a rough morning. John arrived just in time to be there when it was removed. It seriously felt like he was pulling my guts out. It hurt so bad. Anyway, now that is it out I can actually sit without being in so much pain. Everything still hurts, but I can at least sit. I also have two external incisions that are way tender, but they will heal fast I'm sure!
So because I have a phone and a computer...I was able to shoot some pictures of my experience here. So here you go...
Every single time they give me more meds they have to scan this band. The red band is my "blood band." That band has everything they need to know about my case I need a transfusion (which I won't)