Well, this is it! Tomorrow is the day! I have a to-do list a mile long! I have been preparing my kids, house, etc for this day...but there are always last minute things to do. One of which is going to a doctor's appt. to get blood work done...not to mention getting the stuff to give myself a fun little enema tonight. Yippee! So hopefully I can get everything done. My mom is coming tonight, and Gwen couldn't be more excited for my surgery! Why you ask? Because I told her when I have my surgery, she will have more responsibility. She likes that! She wants to be "the mommy." In her prayers last night she said, "And please bless that on Tuesday I will be a big helper for Mommy!" haha! Yesterday we had a lesson on doing the laundry. She ran the washing machine, poored soap in, put clothes in...took dry clothes out, folded and put them away. She did dishes. She cleaned rooms. I only wish she was this gung-ho about cleaning any other time. Sweet girl!
So I have no idea when I will post again...especially since I will be morphined-up for a few days! I'm sure John will post at least on FB to update everyone on how I'm doing. Thanks everyone for your love and support! This is one of those trials in my life that is really hard, but it points me in the right direction and makes me remember how blessed I am for the things that I DO have! I love my family with all my heart!
12 years ago
...and I love my Amy with all my heart!