Monday, September 28, 2009

Positive Thinking and planning ahead

Positive Thinking: A lot of what I'm writing about has been taken from what other people have said lately. It could've been one little statement that got me really thinking! about positive thinking. I think we try hard to be good to others and say kind things to/about each other, but what about ourselves? How can we be so kind to others and so unkind to ourself? (at least, that's how it is for me). So lately I have tried to stop my negative thinking and focus on the positive. I am not going to be so hard on myself...saying things like, "I hate my's my worst feature!" instead I can try, "I am excited to tone up my arms!" And that goes for everything...including, "I have been the worst mother today...(or this week)" and try saying something like, "This hasn't been the best week, but I'm going to make some new goals and try harder to be a better mother."

Planning Ahead: Caryn R. said something the other day on her facebook account that made me think. She said we should plan on how we're going to eat on the weekends, and also plan our workouts! So many times we focus on Monday through Friday...eating right and exercising. Then we get to the weekend and throw it all away by pigging out and not exercising. It's true! So when I make my goals, I am going to start making it so I PLAN on exercising 6 days a week! Some people are okay exercising on Sundays, but I've made the personal decision not too. It's just me! Anyway, so it's nice to know that come Saturday...when I could easily say, "Oh, it's the weekend, I want to just relax..." (or whatever other excuse) I will have already made the decision to work out and eat right on the weekend.

**One more thing, my new goal is to motivate others to workout! So I announced on Sunday to the Relief Society that we will be working out on Tuesday from 8:00-10:00PM. I didn't think anyone would be that interested, but I had two women (like in their late forties/fifties) say they were so excited and were planning on coming. I have been so excited about that! Hopefully more women come!!! Oh, and I'm trying to make it so I can do a 5K on October 10th...I'll keep you all posted! Yay!

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