Monday, September 14, 2009

Make a choice!

Reasons why I didn't want to work out today:
1. Way too tired
2. Too sore from hiking on Saturday
3. I was afraid Noah would wake up and need to nurse in the middle of my workout
4. My stomach was acidy
5. I wanted to snuggle John!

Reasons I DID work out:
1. I had John telling me, "just do it Amy, you'll be glad you did!" (he was pushing me out of bed while telling me that)
2. I knew I would be proud of myself
3. I knew I wouldn't regret it.
4. I knew that even if Noah woke up and inturupted me, I'd still finish after I fed him!

Benefits of me working out at 5:00AM this morning:
1. It was my often do I get time just for me?
2. Working out early starts my day out right. Now I will eat healthier and feel more confident all day long.
3. I feel happy
4. I was able to work out, shower and be ready all before Gwen and Chloe got up. That's a good feeling for me!
5. My girls saw my workout stuff and asked if I had been working out! I am setting a good example for my kids!

**Billy Blanks always says, "Your mind put you where you are today!" Yes I had John giving me a good push this morning, but I could've easily gone back to bed. Nobody can force me to workout. My mind put me where I was today, and that can happen every day if I work hard.

1 comment:

  1. yay for you! i worked out this morning and i loved how i felt all morning. i love all this encouragement i'm getting from friends. thanks, am!
