Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Cath

The last two days have been a whirlwind of emotions and more pain! A different kind of pain! It seems like I am healing (thankfully) but everytime I reach some milestone, another problem arises. It has been very frustrating! So my newest "issue" is with my bladder. John was able to take out my catheter on Monday morning, which was awesome to have it out; however, new problems came into play.

So...everytime I went to the bathroom (#1) it would BURN! My bladder would burn! And it was like I was trying to push a gallon of water out of a teeny-tiny straw all at once. So, then on Monday night I woke up and needed to I tried and failed! It WOULD NOT come out. It burned! Eventually it did, drip by drip! So off to the doctor I went on Tuesday. Again. They had to put in a catheter to empty me, and figure out what the problem was. They thought maybe a UTI, but they ruled that out. Turns out, it is a very swollen Urethra! Go fig! On Monday they gave me these options:
1. Put the catheter back in
2. Have me "self-cath" every time I have to go, so I can empty my bladder each time.
3. Wait and see if it goes away (I picked this option)

Yesterday, I was still when I went back in I brought my hubby with me. They taught him how to cath me! Mostly because 1. He doesn't care, doesn't bother him. And 2. I will not "self-cath"...sorry, not gunna happen! They said if in the middle of the night I can't..go...then I'll end up in the ER. So thankfully last night (even though it took a while) it all came out...eventually! And John really had to learn how because if I didn't empty my bladder, I could've been causing myself even more issues. So thank you John for being willing!

It has been a rough recovery, I'll be honest. At times I feel like I take one step forward and five steps back. BUT...I keep trying to look at how far I've come and remember that I am healing. I've had a few other little issues that...believe it or not, I'm not going to talk about. I don't want to gross you out too much! But a swollen urethra won't make me blush! :) So now I'm just continuing to take it one day at a time. I have swelling, bruising, and pain in all sorts of places...but one day I know I'll look back and know that it was all worth it. I needed this surgery, it was a long time coming.

We've had meals brought in and people offering to come do laundry, take kids, clean, etc. I seriously appreciate it so much. Once John's mom leaves (a week from today) I might take some of you up on your offers. But I do appreciate it! :)

And I need to give a huge thank you to my mom. She has been here a week and two days and she has done everything! She has taken over while I've layed helplessly in bed! I hate not being able to do anything, but it's been nice to not have to worry either. And thank you to John's mom who will be coming and staying to help. I am soooo grateful for family!

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