Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Arms: 11.0--------->11.0
Thighs: 21.0------->21.0
Hips: 36.0--------->35.5
Waist: 27.5-------->27.5
Butt: 37.25-------->36.75

I haven't been great about working out lately because of traveling and being sick, but I'm excited to start up again once it's easier to breathe again! haha!...and my camera is in the mail, so I will take a picture of myself this week sometime!

My 2 most important goals for the next few weeks are to still workout at least 4 times every week, and to not overeat! There you have it!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Where have I been?'s the holidays! I've also lost my camera...meaning, I left it on the train at the Portland Zoo and it is long gone! (sniff) Anyway, so since we're borrowing a camera, hopefully I can start snapping more pictures (to compare). I am feeling really great this week. Noah has been sleeping's amazing how just sleeping good can affect your mood! But also I worked out on Monday night and Tuesday morning with my friend Lisa. It's so nice having a friend to motivate you...especially when it's so cold outside and you don't want to get up at 5:15AM to go exercise! But we did it! Anyway, now that I have a cough...I'm trying not to do too much cardio, but just some strength training. I can't let having a cold get in the way of exercising.

Anyway, but Caryn posted something on Facebook and I was reading this article about 10 healthy foods.

It's always nice to not only know that a fruit/vegetable is good for you, but how and why...and what it does for your body! Thanks Caryn...

1.Apples. An apple a day can keep the doctor away in more ways than one. Studies have shown that apples can help lower cholesterol, manage diabetes, and prevent several diseases, including cancer, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, and asthma. Make sure you don't peel the apple. The peel contains quercetin, an antioxidant shown in a Finnish study to reduce heart disease and inhibit tumor growth. The skin also contains insoluble fiber; the flesh contains pectin, a soluble fiber. While apples are great on their own, they also make great crunchy additions to salads or tasty additions to baked dessert treats. Did you know apples were originally native to Kazakhstan? That makes Borat their second-best export.

2.Corn. Generally, our society eats way too much corn. It's in almost every food we eat, especially in its most nefarious form—high fructose corn syrup. It's easily America's number one crop. But fall is the time when we get the harvest of the tastiest sweet corn. Besides being delicious, in its unprocessed state, it's actually quite healthy. A food study at Cornell University showed that ferulic acid, an antioxidant produced when sweet corn is cooked, is another heart disease and cancer fighter. It's also a good source of vitamins B1, B5, and C, folate, and fiber. Besides eating it on the cob, try corn in salads or as a colorful, crunchy addition to a salsa.

3.Cucumbers. Normally, we don't see cucumbers until they've been pickled and sliced and added to two all-beef patties and a sesame seed bun. Cucumbers are very low in calories (just 4 calories per ounce), a natural diuretic, and thought to help prevent pancreatic, liver, and kidney diseases. They contain potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure. The skin contains silica, which helps strengthen connective tissue. And they're not just for eating. The juice makes a great skin lotion. Those spa ladies with cucumber slices on their eyes aren't doing it for nothing. The juice reduces swelling not just for eye bags but also for burns and skin disorders. A tasty way to eat cucumbers is my Russian grandmother's simple recipe of thinly sliced cucumbers, low-fat yogurt, thinly sliced onion, and chopped dill (she actually used sour cream too, but we won't go there).

4.Eggplant. Eggplants contain lots of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and also high levels of antioxidants, including nasunin, which has been shown to protect cells from free radical damage. Eggplants also contain terpenes, which are believed to help lower cholesterol. Eggplant is a very versatile ingredient in all kinds of cooking, including Italian, Indian, and Chinese dishes. It can be baked, stewed, or sautéed, among other cooking methods. One thing to watch out for is that the flesh of the eggplant is highly absorptive, so if you fry it in oil, it will soak it all up. One cooking technique is to lightly salt sliced eggplant before cooking it; then let it sit for a half hour and rinse the salt off. This will cause the cell structure of the eggplant to contract, making it a little less "spongey." My mom's been dealing with a bumper crop of eggplant from her backyard garden and has been putting eggplant in everything. A recent success was replacing the pasta in her favorite lasagna recipe with thinly sliced eggplant. It absorbed the tomato sauce instead of the oil and made the dish richer and creamier.

5.Grapes. There's been much written about the benefits of wine, and the harvest for the 2009 vintages is beginning. But you don't have to get loaded to get the benefits of grapes. In their unfermented state, they're a great source of vitamins A, B6, and C, folate, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and fiber. Like apples, they contain the antioxidant quercitin. They also contain resveratrol, which has been shown to reduce blood clots and protect arteries from free radical damage. Generally speaking, the darker the grape, the higher the antioxidant levels. Grapes are great snacks and low in calories. They make great additions to salads, or you can freeze them for a warm-weather treat.

6.Okra. This may be the most intimidating ingredient on this list. Many people are put off by okra's bristly outside and somewhat slimy inside, but it has a lot of health benefits that should make you take a second look. It's full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. And it has great gastrointestinal benefits. Its high mucilage content, which thickens stews and gumbos, also helps absorb cholesterol, toxins, and bile and has a gentle laxative effect. Its seeds also contain amino acids and protein. It is also believed to be good for the skin and hair. It has been said that Cleopatra ate okra as part of her beauty regimen. Okra is great in soups and stews or lightly sautéed as a side dish.

7.Pears. This is my favorite fall food. The biggest, juiciest pears start showing up in farmers' markets right about now. Besides being a great source of stains on my shirts, they have high levels of vitamins C and K, copper, and fiber. They contain even more of the soluble fiber pectin than apples, which can play an important part in digestive health and lowering cholesterol. Pears have also been shown to reduce kidney inflammation and colitis. Asian pears, which are crunchy like an apple, are also in season now and contain the health benefits of both fruits. Pears are great plain, broiled, or poached. Asian pears can be shredded as a healthy addition to a slaw.

8.Peppers. Whether you like them spicy or sweet, now is prime pepper-picking time. Fiber-rich peppers have high levels of vitamins A, C, and K, with red peppers containing the highest levels. Red peppers, like tomatoes, are also good sources of lycopene, which studies show may be linked to cancer prevention. Hot peppers contain capsaicin, which has been shown to help prevent ulcers and lower cholesterol. Plus, hot peppers can help ramp up your metabolism. I can't think of many dishes that couldn't be improved with a little peppery zip. Soups, stir-frys, salads . . . I even had some chocolate cayenne ice cream that was pretty good.

9.Raspberries. Raspberries are some of the healthiest, but priciest, berries out there. So now when they're in season is the most economical time to enjoy them. Raspberries contain several flavonoids called anthocyanins, believed to have antimicrobial properties, which can help prevent fungal and yeast infections and aid with irritable bowel syndrome. A Netherlands study recently showed that raspberries had 10 times as many antioxidants as tomatoes. Like apples and pears, they also contain high levels of pectin. While they're great as snacks and desserts, think about trying them in a salad.

10.Tomatoes. The big new star of the tomato nutritional profile is lycopene. This carotenoid has increasingly been shown to be a powerful antioxidant that may play a big role in preventing cancer and heart disease. They are also great sources of vitamin C. And for those of you who don't care for raw tomatoes (as George Carlin said, they look like they're in the larval stage), tomatoes lose very little of their nutritional value when cooked. So they can be enjoyed stewed, in sauce, and even as ketchup (although we recommend a ketchup free of high fructose corn syrup and low in sodium). This is a prime time to seek out tomatoes at the farmers' market. Especially exotic are the heirloom varieties that come in yellows, greens, purples, browns, and reds. They can make a beautiful multicolored and antioxidant-rich salad.

**Next post will be an update of my weight, measurements and maybe a picture! Happy Holidays everyone!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Did it!!!

I made one of my goals today! I have reached my pre-pregnancy weight! 128!!! I still have 13 more pounds to go for my overall goal weight, but I'm getting there! AND...I fit into my size 4 pencil skirt. I think I need a few more inches to be completely happy with how I look in it, (you know, size 4 pencil skirt without muffin top) but I still at least fit into it! YAY!!!!!

And of course we all know that weight isn't my biggest factor in all this! It's inches and toning and being healthy overall! I know once I lose my new-found ghetto bootie, then I'll know I've accomplished something great! Not to mention getting my arms and abs toned. I have NEVER had toned arms, so I'm going to do it!!!! WOOT WOOT!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Stats 11/10/09

So I haven't done my stats for a month now! Oops! But the first number is from a month ago, and the second is from today! Not huge changes, but better than nothing. And I finally got out of the 130's today. (129 to be exact)...I was sticking at 130 or 131 and it was getting frustrating, but I've been trying to be patient! So I'm happy that I lost a pound! Anyway...the stats:

Arms: 11.0--------->11.0
Thighs: 21.0------->21.0
Hips: 36.37-------->36.0
Waist: 28.0-------->27.5
Butt: 37.25-------->37.25

I like this quote...

My own prescription for health is less paperwork and more running barefoot through the grass. ~Leslie Grimutter

Monday, November 2, 2009

Picture time




Monday, October 26, 2009

Feeling tired, sleepy, sluggish?

Then ask yourself why? What could you change to make things better for yourself?
1. Get yourself on a good multi-vitamin. One that has been tested and proven to work well! Don't just go get a cheap multi-vitamin from the store. RESEARCH IT! We've gone through USANA before, but have found it's way too expensive for our budget. We now use Apex Energetics...and it's much less expensive. But just remember that the best kinds of multi-vitamins aren't ones that you take just once a day. Our body will absorb it first thing in the morning when you take it...and then what about the rest of the day. I take a total of 6 each day. (2 at each meal).

2. Eat better! Follow a low-glycemic diet. Eat more fruits and veggies...and WHOLE GRAINS. No more white bread, tortillas, chips, rice...go all 100% whole wheat and eat brown rice. Trust me! Your body will thank you! Fuel your body! Your body needs a certain type of fuel. I wouldn't put diesel fuel in my Malibu, because it wouldn't be good for my car! Same thing with our bodies. Put the right kind of fuel and you'll see great results. (and I'm not JUST talking about weight loss) You'll have more energy, stamina and you'll help your digestive system too.

3. Eat more fish, and/or start taking Fish Oil. I know...Yuck! I take it every single day, and yes...every now and then I burp it up! you know what Fish Oil contains? Omega 3 Fatty Acids. One of the signs that someone has an Omega 3 major FATIGUE??? Let's face it, I am at risk for cancer (ugh) since it runs in my I need to be fighting back!!! Omega 3 fatty acids kill off the free radicals in our bodies that cause cancer, heart disease, etc. This has been proven! So not only will eating fish or taking Fish Oil help you stay awake and alert, it will help to fight cancer and other diseases.

4. Exercise! We all know this! Exercising gives you the endorphins you need throughout your day. And make sure you're always challenging yourself. People who do the same workout routine every day...won't see results, because they're not challenging their bodies. Even me doing Billy Blanks every day (as hard as it is...) my body is used to the workout. So that's why I now have a combination of Billy Blanks, Turbo Jam, Spinning, Jillian, Yoga and jogging! Cross train, it's the way to go!

5. Make sure you're not bogging down your system with prescription meds! We're not hippies or anything, but we do try natural resources rather than jumping to the cupboard to get meds that are (bad for liver, bad for heart, bad for kidneys, may cause death, etc etc) So before you pop any meds, just ask yourself, "Is there an all-natural remedy that could help this?" Whenever we start feeling sick, do we go for the "Advil Cold and Sinus?"...NO, we grab the Echinacea and take it three times a day! I started getting a nasty sore throat on Friday...and I took a combination of Echinacea, Emergen-C, and my multi-vitamins every day, and by yesterday (Sunday) I was fine! No more symptoms! Nothing!!! Try it, it works!

6. Sleep!!! As fun as it can be to stay up with your significant other...just make the decision together that you'll go to bed together at a good time. John and I climb in bed on most nights at 9:45...we read scriptures, say prayers and go night night!!! That way we both can get up early and work out!

Just some tips from me to you! Tips that have worked for me...and some info that I've gotten from others that have helped me! Thanks everyone!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Meal Plan

Monday: Grilled Chicken Salad
Tuesday: Chicken Enchiladas w/homemade tortillas
Wednesday: German Pancakes and fruit bowl
Thursday: Fish (still deciding)
Friday: Grilled veggie wraps
Saturday: Firecracker Alaskan Salmon with Mashed Cauliflower and Corn on the Cob
Sunday: BBQ Chicken and Asparagus

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Stats 10/15/09

These are my stats from last time, to today:

Arms: 11.5------------->11.0
Thighs: 21.25---------->21.0
Hips: 37.5------------->36.37 (to be exact)
Waist: 29.0------------>28.0
Butt: 38.25------------>37.25

Weight: As of this morning it said 132! Not really losing weight, but I'm also on my oh well! As long as I'm losing inches, I won't stress too much about weight!! I'm pretty happy with my stats today!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Goals 10/12/09-10/19/09

I did pretty good with my goals last week, not perfect...but I was exercising almost every day! Some days I worked out was great! Here are my goals this week.

1. Exercise 6 days out of the week
2. Make a meal plan, and stick with it every day.
3. Read scriptures everyday!!!

Meal Plan:

Good Ol' Fashioned Chili

3 cans beans (Pinto, Kidney) (don’t drain)
1 lb. Ground Turkey
1 can tomato sauce
2 Tbs. Chili Powder (maybe a little less for kids)
1 Tbs. Taco Seasoning
1 tsp. cumin
2 garlic cloves (1 tsp.)
½ tsp. pepper
½ tsp. basil
onion (minced or whole)
Red and/or green bell peppers (optional)

Cornmeal Muffins

2 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup milk
1/2 cup oil
1 tsp. vanilla
1 1/3 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 tsp. salt
2/3 cup cornmeal
3 tsp. baking powder

Mix together eggs, sugar, milk, oil, and vanilla. Put flour, salt, cornmeal and baking powder on top of wet ingredients, slightly stir dry ingredients together then stir all together util just mixed. put cupcake liners in muffin tin (for dark nonstick pans bake at 375 degrees) Bake at 400 degrees for 12-15 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.

Firecracker Grilled Alaskan Salmon

8 (4 ounce) fillets salmon
1/2 cup peanut oil
4 tablespoons soy sauce
4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
4 tablespoons green onions, chopped
3 teaspoons brown sugar
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger
2 teaspoons crushed red pepper flakes
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1/2 teaspoon salt

Place salmon filets in a medium, glass dish. In a separate medium bowl, combine the peanut oil, soy sauce, vinegar, green onions, brown sugar, garlic, ginger, red pepper flakes, sesame oil and salt. Whisk together well, and pour over the fish. Cover and marinate the fish in the refrigerator for 4 to 6 hours.
Prepare an outdoor grill with coals about 5 inches from the grate, and lightly oil the grate.
Grill the fillets 5 inches from coals for 10 minutes per inch of thickness, measured at the thickest part, or until fish just flakes with a fork. Turn over halfway through cooking.

Go Here

Leftovers/free for all night!

Stir Fry (I just typed out the whole recipe, and Noah hit something and erased it.) So to simplify:
Lots of veggies
Sesame Oil
Brown Rice

Date with John to a restaurant

Go Here

I will do my stats tomorrow! Thanks for all your support gals!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Yes, this post is titled Cheetos! So first of all, I hate Cheetos...I think they are disgusting! Anyway, I was watching this interview with Jillian Michaels on nutrition, and she said something that made me laugh. It was in regards to a question from a viewer who was wondering what they can do to help their children not become obese! She basically said that you can do A LOT!!! She of course said that we have to make sure we are being good examples by eating right and exercising...and having an overall healthy lifestyle! Then she said, "Feed your children healthy foods! Feed them stuff that is actually FOOD...not this partially hydrogenated crap...or high fructose crap, or stuff with red dye #40 or whatever, feed them actual food. Cheetos...not food! It didn't grow in the ground and it doesn't have a mother! don't give it to them!" hahaha!

I was laughing at that! So it just made me want to do better when it comes to feeding my kids. I feel like we do pretty good actually. But we can always do better! So that's what I'm focusing on more this week!...(and for the next 18+ years)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Goals 10/04/09 - 10/11/09

I'm trying to do my goals on Sundays now~

1. My morning routine Monday-Saturday:

*Get up every morning at 4:45 (yep, that's right) and do Billy Blanks (4:45AM-5:40)
*5:40AM-6:00AM read scriptures
*Hop in shower and get ready for the day
*In order to do this, I have to be in bed...lights out at 10:00PM.
*I keep telling myself today that I have to be disciplined if I want results, and I will do it!

And last time I gave you the website to and I've decided to share my account with you. I'm always curious what people eat...(that may be weird) but I want to make sure I'm on the right track. So if you're curious what I eat every day, go check it out. Some days are good, others aren't perfect! And you'll notice the days I exercise I earn extra calories! It's awesome.

--so go to and for the username and password it's:

Username: pebbleszazu
Password: aboveandbeyond

And what I love about this website is I'm always being accountable to myself and tracking my calories! I don't mean to be perfect, but at least I'll know if I'm going over every day! AND, yesterday my mom bought us fast food...and in one meal (crisp bean burrito, and soft bean) plus a glass of was almost 900 calories! Just for one meal! Inputing that into the computer made me feel like crap! So it's a good thing...(not the feeling like crap part) but just being accountable.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Ever heard of...


It is one of my favorite websites that I started doing a long time ago. I think I originally heard about it from Laura Y! It's a great way of keeping track of my calories every day!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I think I see some improvement! I'm feelin' good ladies! I am not where I want to be yet, but I'm getting there! :)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Positive Thinking and planning ahead

Positive Thinking: A lot of what I'm writing about has been taken from what other people have said lately. It could've been one little statement that got me really thinking! about positive thinking. I think we try hard to be good to others and say kind things to/about each other, but what about ourselves? How can we be so kind to others and so unkind to ourself? (at least, that's how it is for me). So lately I have tried to stop my negative thinking and focus on the positive. I am not going to be so hard on myself...saying things like, "I hate my's my worst feature!" instead I can try, "I am excited to tone up my arms!" And that goes for everything...including, "I have been the worst mother today...(or this week)" and try saying something like, "This hasn't been the best week, but I'm going to make some new goals and try harder to be a better mother."

Planning Ahead: Caryn R. said something the other day on her facebook account that made me think. She said we should plan on how we're going to eat on the weekends, and also plan our workouts! So many times we focus on Monday through Friday...eating right and exercising. Then we get to the weekend and throw it all away by pigging out and not exercising. It's true! So when I make my goals, I am going to start making it so I PLAN on exercising 6 days a week! Some people are okay exercising on Sundays, but I've made the personal decision not too. It's just me! Anyway, so it's nice to know that come Saturday...when I could easily say, "Oh, it's the weekend, I want to just relax..." (or whatever other excuse) I will have already made the decision to work out and eat right on the weekend.

**One more thing, my new goal is to motivate others to workout! So I announced on Sunday to the Relief Society that we will be working out on Tuesday from 8:00-10:00PM. I didn't think anyone would be that interested, but I had two women (like in their late forties/fifties) say they were so excited and were planning on coming. I have been so excited about that! Hopefully more women come!!! Oh, and I'm trying to make it so I can do a 5K on October 10th...I'll keep you all posted! Yay!

Friday, September 25, 2009

New goals

Has it really already been a week? Here were my goals from last week...

1. Exercise for 5 days for at least 50 minutes (I only worked out 3 times this week because I got a head cold...and still kind of have it)

2. Track my water intake and drink at least 64 ounces. (did pretty good!)

3. Eat at least 3 servings of veggies a day (I usually get my fruit intake, but
not veggies as much) (I'd say I did very well this week)

4. Help my kids get more exercise (going on walks, playing on the playground, doing the Jillian video with them) They love doing workout videos! (didn't do a workout video with them at all, but we were outside more often)

5. Read my scriptures every day along with saying personal prayers every day!!! (didn't do as good as I should have)

New goals for 09/27/09-10/03/09

1. Work on those personal prayers and scripture reading every day!
2. Watch my carb intake! Make sure I'm getting more fruits and veggies and less carbs. AND make sure I'm getting enough protein every day.
3. Encourage people in my ward to join our workout group once a week!
4. Exercise 5 days for at least 50 minutes

**a few sucesses I've had this week:

1. Gwendolyn finally said she likes red bell peppers. She really does like veggies, but that's one she's never liked! But today she exclaimed she likes it! And Chloe said she LOVES yams! She also told me she doesn't like sweet potatoes...shhhhh...I won't tell her if you won't!
2. My friend Lisa and I started up a workout group every Thursday night. I'm going to announce to all the women in the ward, and hopefully we'll get a lot of people to come. From 8:00-9:00 we do a workout video, and from 9:00-9:45 we do Yoga (instructed by Lisa). I'm just hoping to encourage people who are in a funk to get out of it and start making healthy choices!
3. I actually jogged 3 miles yesterday without stopping! Woot woot! A big thanks to Lisa for pushing me along!
4. I haven't had ANY desire to snack or eat junk! It's not even a temptation. The less junk I eat, the less I want to eat!
5. Eating right, exercising and all that it entails has made me happier! I am not where I want to be (as far as my body is concerned) but I'm happy that I'm on the correct path.

I will do my stats tomorrow morning! Going to bed now!

Monday, September 21, 2009


I've decided that every now and then I am going to post a healthy recipe that I've had success with! Perhaps once a week??? This is my new favorite meal!

Maple Roasted Chicken with Sweet Potatoes
1 3 1/2 to 4 lb chicken, cut into 8 pieces
1 yellow onion, cut into 1 inch wedges
2 small sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1 inch wedges
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. black pepper (I didn't measure, I just put it all over the top of it)
4 tbsp. light maple syrup
6 sprigs fresh thyme (or 2 tsp. dried)

1. Heat oven to 400 degrees (F). Rinse the chicken and pat it dry. Arrange chicken, onion, and sweet potatoes in a 9-by-13 baking dish.
2. Drizzle the oil over the chicken and vegetables and season with the salt and pepper. Toss to coat.
3. Drizzle with the maple syrup and top with thyme.
4. Roast, stirring the vegetables once, until the chicken is cooked through, about 1 hour, 15 minutes. Let rest for 10 minutes before serving.

Lost and Found

Found the measuring tape...well, John did! I weighed myself today and I am happily at 131! (my lowest has been 132!) And here are my measurements...


Arms: 11.5
Thighs: 21.25
Hips: 37.5
Waist: 29.0
Butt: 38.25

Arms: 11.5
Thighs: 21.25
Hips: 37.0
Waist: 28
Butt: 38.0

Got up and had an awesome workout today! It's such a high!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Goals 09/19/09-09/26/09

What good is life without goals? You'll get mine once a week!
1. Exercise for 5 days for at least 50 minutes

2. Track my water intake and drink at least 64 ounces.

3. Eat at least 3 servings of veggies a day (I usually get my fruit intake, but
not veggies as much)

4. Help my kids get more exercise (going on walks, playing on the playground, doing the Jillian video with them) They love doing workout videos!

5. Read my scriptures every day along with saying personal prayers every day!!!

Don't think, just do!

Yep, my measuring tape has officially disappeared! Looks like we'll have to wait until next week to get my stats! Very frustrating! Anyway, but I will tell you all about my week! These were my goals from last week:

1. Work out at least 5 days a week for 45 minutes or more
2. Drink more water (keep specific water bottle and track how much I'm drinking)
3. Plan meals out so I have all the ingredients for healthy recipes.
4. Start out my day with prayer, because without it I'm not going to accomplish much!

1. I worked out 6 days in a row for 55 minutes every day! Woot woot! I did Billy Blanks (just fyi)
2. I should've been better at tracking my water. I still drank a lot, but I need to track it more.
3. We ate pretty healthy...
4. I've had some good prayers in the morning!!!

I'm pretty happy overall! The more I worked out, the more I've formed the habit. One day my alarm was set for 4:55 so I could get dressed, start up the movie, get my water, and start right at 5:00! My new motto is, "Don't think, just do!" That was especially important this morning because it's Saturday and I could've said..."oh it's the weekend, I don't have to workout today." But my alarm was set for 5:15 and when it went off I started thinking of all the reasons I didn't want to get up! But immediately the words popped into my head, "Don't think, just do." You can't give yourself time to talk yourself out of it. Just get out of bed!!! And last night I had a meltdown (for a few random reasons which I will not go into right now) but because I was so emotionally drained, my workout this morning was incredible! My workout felt purely emotional. Yes, I was working my muscles...but I needed it emotionally! It was the best workout this week!!!

Anyway, since I am exhausted right now I am going to take a nap! Ta for now!

Friday, September 18, 2009


I am due for my latest being Friday and all! However, my kiddos have misplaced my measuring tape. They were playing with it (my bad) and it is gone. So I will give my stats hopefully sometime today or tomorrow. I will not post a picture though. I've decided that I will do that every other week. As far as my weight is concerned...I am a pound up. BUT...when I weighed myself this morning I was super engorged (since Noah is on a nursing strike)! So I'm figuring without all that milk inside of me, I might weigh less! My weight will be more accurate once I stop nursing! Blah!

So until later...I will leave you with this quote...

"You've got to give some, to get some." -Billy Blanks

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


One thing I've learned in my life is that there has to be a balance in everything. It's something I struggle with a lot!!!! For instance, kids! I could play with my kids all day, but have a disaster of a house! OR, I could clean all day and not play with my kids, and have a beautiful house and neglected kids! So...balance! One thing I need in my life is structure...without it I am a basket case! So I am working hard at finding a balance with every aspect of my life.

I need to feed myself and my family. I need to work out for at LEAST 45 minutes every day. I need to read my scriptures, say my prayers, clean my house, do laundry, clip coupons, make budgets, organize, run Gwen to and from school, work on my calling, have some down time to blog...or whatever on the computer, etc etc etc! It can get overwhelming, and too often things get left until the next day! I've just had to let a few things go! If my house isn't 100% spotless when I go to bed, I can't freak out! My top priorities are the Gospel, my family, and myself! I need to be there for my family and I need to make sure I am working out every day to stay fit, and I can't neglect my spiritual nourishment that I need every day!

So all I'm saying is that I'm trying! I'm not perfect, but it's going pretty well so far. I've gotten up three days in a row to workout before my kids get up, and it really does start my day out great! This morning after I worked out I had some time before I had to wake up the kids, so I got down on my knees and thanked Heavenly Father for blessing me with health! I'm sure there are many people out there who wish they could see, walk, talk, run, jump, etc! I will never take those things for granted!

Okay, enough rambling out of me! Balance people...tell me what you do to find balance in your life! :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Make a choice!

Reasons why I didn't want to work out today:
1. Way too tired
2. Too sore from hiking on Saturday
3. I was afraid Noah would wake up and need to nurse in the middle of my workout
4. My stomach was acidy
5. I wanted to snuggle John!

Reasons I DID work out:
1. I had John telling me, "just do it Amy, you'll be glad you did!" (he was pushing me out of bed while telling me that)
2. I knew I would be proud of myself
3. I knew I wouldn't regret it.
4. I knew that even if Noah woke up and inturupted me, I'd still finish after I fed him!

Benefits of me working out at 5:00AM this morning:
1. It was my often do I get time just for me?
2. Working out early starts my day out right. Now I will eat healthier and feel more confident all day long.
3. I feel happy
4. I was able to work out, shower and be ready all before Gwen and Chloe got up. That's a good feeling for me!
5. My girls saw my workout stuff and asked if I had been working out! I am setting a good example for my kids!

**Billy Blanks always says, "Your mind put you where you are today!" Yes I had John giving me a good push this morning, but I could've easily gone back to bed. Nobody can force me to workout. My mind put me where I was today, and that can happen every day if I work hard.

Friday, September 11, 2009


I apologize for the quality of these pictures. John was at work and the girls were sleeping, so I had to take them of myself using my "self-timer." Next time you'll get better shots...but I'm leaving out of town until late tomorrow night and I wanted to get this done. So this is what'cha get!
Lovely stretch marks...I think it was Laura Young that coined the phrase, "Flames of Passion!" Yes, there's nothing I can do about those!...unless I have surgery!
Oh...and I'm wearing earrings because I had already gotten ready for the day and didn't take them out for the picture. I don't usually workout with earrings in. Ha ha!

So...consider these my "before shots!" Like I said, I never took pictures of myself right after I had Noah because that's just down-right depressing! HA! When I was at my peak with Noah I weighed 162. Here are my stats!

Weight: 132 lbs (yes, I have lost 30 lbs!!!)

Arms: 11.5
Thighs: 21.25
Hips: 37.5
Waist: 29.0
Butt: 38.25

I didn't measure bust, because I am nursing...and I'm generally a different size all throughout the day! :) I know my weakest spot is the "saddle-bag" area, or the "muffin-top" if you will! I am going to get rid of that darn muffin top, and I am so excited for it. At first I was nervous to post these pictures, then I remembered why I'm doing all of this. I am going to be fit...forever! And I'll want these pictures to show proof that I did it!

And as far as my goals, I have long term and short term:

Long Term:
1. Get down to a good weight, between 115-120.
2. Continue to eat healthier.
3. Tone my body (flat stomach, no flabby arms)
4. Fit into size 4 pencil skirt comfortably.

Short Term: 09/11/09-09/18/09
1. Work out at least 5 days a week for 45 minutes or more
2. Drink more water (keep specific water bottle and track how much I'm drinking)
3. Plan meals out so I have all the ingredients for healthy recipes.
4. Start out my day with prayer, because without it I'm not going to accomplish much!

Thanks everyone!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Well I woke up this morning with an achin' back so I wasn't able to work out! I could barely walk, let alone work out! SO...I got hooked up to the DRX (Decompression Unit) today at John's work and I feel a lot better! I am going to do the Olyptical Machine tonight for 20 minutes and then I will attempt to jog on the treadmill for 20 minutes. I am treading (ha! no pun intended) carefully when it comes to running because of my back, but I will just see how I feel while I am doing it. I don't want to push myself. If it is hurting, then I will follow up with at least 100 crunches! (Dr.'s orders, 100 crunches a day) for my back!

Anyway, so two thoughts for today:

1. John asked me why I wanted everyone to see my progress as I lose weight. He thought it was kind of a personal thing. Good question! I just want to be a part of a support group! I KNOW that I'm going to do well, but it's always better to have people cheering you on along the way! Right? And not only that, I hope to inspire others too! The thing is....nobody can force you to lose weight. Nobody can force you to exercise or eat right. It is a choice made only by yourself! So I could do all this on my own without the help of anyone, but I think we can all be in this together. Even though we're all making our own personal choices in regards to our health, let's together try to support each other and get healthy!!!

2. My second thought is...I am excited for this step in my life. It is very likely that we are done having kids, and I can really focus on my body! I am ready for tight abs, non-flabby arms, and an overall muscular body! I don't want to be a body-builder, but I want definition! This will happen! I am not a big person and I'm not looking to lose a lot of weight! I do, however want to define and tone my body! Tomorrow you'll get my stats and a picture. And you'll also get my goals!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Achin' back

So some of you heard my story about my back, but I will just sum it up! When Noah was 4 months old I took him (plus his car seat) out of the car and my back started hurting. Then progressively throughout the day it started hurting worse! It got to the point where I literally could not move, it was so painful! I was sobbing! I called my mom and she ended up staying for two days to help me out. Turns out it was a disk in my back that was...well, hard to say exactly but it was either herniated or inflammed! Either way, ouch! So after a few weeks, my back finally felt better! And since then I've been working out most every day and having no problems. Then the other day (on Gwen's birthday) I was moving couches around and lifting heavy things, and I re-injured it again! BLAH! So there have been many nights where I've been in tears because hurts! And two, I have it in me to work out every single day...but yet, I keep getting set back because of my back! It's very frustrating!

Anyway, so John (my Dr. John) has instructed me to just go do the Olyptical machine over at the clubhouse, followed by lots of crunches. The more I strengthen my core, the better off my back will be! So I'm trying to follow doctor's orders and do just that! Anyway, so Monday and Tuesday of this week I haven't worked out at all...which I've hated! Tonight I have mutual, followed by cutting John's hair! So it's not going to happen today unfortunately! But I will find time for lots of crunches in-between feeding children and cleaning house!

My hope is to get up early tomorrow morning and do Jillian. It might be all I can do tomorrow, but it's better than nothing!

Welcome one and all...

to my new website! This is going to be my fitness journal, if you will! I will be tracking my weight loss, logging my inches weekly, etc. I will also be tracking my own work-outs and what I'm doing to get fit! I am keeping it private only for the fact that I will be taking pictures of myself...and well, I want that private!

This website is to help inspire myself, and hopefully others! A lot of you have been an inspiration for me and I am so grateful for that! I will be also going over the things I'm doing to train for this Marathon coming up! So feel free to check as often as you like! I will try and do a post every Friday to go over my stats...and then whenever else I feel like posting. I will even be writing about frustrations I'm having that pertains to getting fit, and I'd love any advice! So thank you everyone!