Thursday, June 24, 2010

8 Foods to Boost Metabolism

This is too good NOT to read!!!

8 Foods to Boost Metabolism

By Joe Wilkes

If you spend any time perusing the fashion mags and tabloid rags in the supermarket checkout line, you'll see a wide array of articles claiming to have discovered the latest "miracle food" that will burn off the pounds while you sit on your butt and eat. Well, sadly, the news isn't quite that good. Without regular exercise, a decent night's sleep, and a thought-out meal plan, your metabolic rate is going to be dragging. However, there are some things you can eat that will move the needle favorably into the fat-burning zone. And most of these foods are delicious and nutritious anyway, so why not? Here are eight of the best ones.

1. Fish. Most of us have read about the benefits of fish oil, which is full of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Found in many common oily fish like mackerel, trout, sardines, herring, tuna, and salmon, it can also be taken in capsules (at least 300 milligrams/day) by those who are averse to seafood. Fish consumption has been found to boost your calorie burn by as much as 400 calories a day. Fish is also full of great, low-fat, muscle-building protein (which requires your body to burn more calories to digest).
2. Dark green leafy vegetables. These include arugula, chard, chicory, collard greens, dandelion greens, kale, mustard greens, and spinach. They are full of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and lots of fiber. While the vitamins are great antioxidants and very healthy for you, the fiber is where the rubber really meets the road as far as metabolism goes. Your body expends a lot more calories digesting fiber and protein than it does simply digesting carbohydrates. This is called the thermic effect—the amount of calories required to digest the food can sometimes be almost as much as the number of calories in the food itself. Dark leafies also contain many B vitamins, which are necessary to produce the enzymes for metabolism. Most other vegetables are high in fiber and low in calories and can boost your burn, but the cream of the crop, nutritionally speaking, are the dark green leafy vegetables. So listen to Popeye, and eat your spinach!
3. Tomatoes. Tomatoes have gotten a lot of good press lately, as they contain high levels of the antioxidant lycopene, which has been proven to have several anti-carcinogenic properties. And like the dark green leafy vegetables, tomatoes are also a good source of fiber. But tomatoes can also work overtime to flush fat, as they also contain citric, malic, and oxalic acids, which support your body's kidney functions, which helps your body eliminate more waste and fat from your system.
4. Blueberries and other whole fruits. Whole fruits contain lots of fiber, and many contain so much, they can be said to have "negative calories," meaning your body burns more calories digesting the food than it stores. One cup of blueberries only has about 80 calories, but 4 grams of fiber. Your body will expend much of those 80 calories digesting the 4 grams of fiber. Blueberries also contain lots of antioxidants, and are believed to lower cholesterol and regulate blood pressure. And they taste great! Try adding them to a high-fiber unsweetened cereal or oatmeal in the morning to get your metabolism up and running at the start of your day.
5. Whole grains. Well, if you've read this far, you've probably gotten that fiber is key to keeping the metabolic fires burning. Whole grains are one of the best sources of dietary fiber. This is where careful label reading comes in. Lots of items purporting to contain whole grains may only contain enough to make the claim truthful, and may in fact be full of insulin-spiking carbohydrates or sugars, which will take your metabolism in the wrong direction. Check the ingredient list of your breads and cereals carefully and make sure the preponderance of the ingredients is whole grain.
6. Chilies, curries, and other spices. Ever eaten a particularly spicy meal and felt your heart race a bit faster and your forehead start to perspire? The capsaicin found in many hot peppers and other spices can fire up your metabolism while it fires up your mouth. In fact, some studies have shown a 50 percent increase in metabolism for 3 hours after eating capsaicin. So it helps to keep a bottle of hot sauce on hand at mealtimes. You can use spices to add flavor to recipes instead of salty or fatty ingredients, which will also help kick your metabolism into a higher gear.
7. Green tea. Researchers have found that green tea consumption can increase calorie burning by up to four percent. It is believed to accomplish this by increasing metabolic rates as well as fat oxidation. Studies have also shown that green tea can reduce sugar cravings and can inhibit enzymes that slow digestion, thus raising metabolic rates. Its thermogenetic properties were convincing enough that Beachbody® includes it in its ActiVit® Metabolism Formula Multivitamins. Besides the metabolic properties, green tea is loaded with antioxidants and polyphenols, making it one of the most healthful beverage choices around.
8. Ice water. Almost every nutritionist will recommend drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day, but did you know that if you drink ice water versus room-temperature water, your body will burn an extra 9 calories per glass? Drinking room-temperature water can burn about 16 calories per glass—that's 25 calories per glass for ice water. So, eight glasses of cool water a day can be responsible for burning 200 calories! Plus, water is necessary for all of your bodily processes, including the ones that control your metabolism. If you're underhydrated, your body will underperform. Water also flushes out fat deposits and toxins, which can hamper your energy.

And remember, a good night's sleep and smaller, evenly spaced meals can be your best metabolic friends. And the best thing to really get your metabolism going is exercise. You can burn almost 700 calories in one 45-minute Turbo Jam® workout alone. Also, stress has been found to produce cortisol, a metabolism-inhibiting steroid, so try and relax—have a blueberry. Or a fish!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Eating Clean

Here are some tips (thank you Caryn) for eating cleaner and healthier. The other day I got irritated because all of our knives were dirty (and I swear I had just cleaned them) and all of our measuring cups were dirty too. In the midst of my irritation, John reminded me that they are all dirty because we measure out everything we eat, make about 85-90% of our food from scratch, and we're constantly using our knives to cut up fruit/veggies for almost every meal!!! So it's a good thing! It's amazing how good you feel when you're not eating processed foods. Clean, healthy foods are the way to go!

1. Eat 5 to 6 small meals every day. This is the best way to provide fuel for your body. It takes a bit to get used to eating smaller meals! You're used to seeing a large plate that is full of food. I really like to use smaller plates/bowls, that way it still seems full!
2. Eat every 2-3 hours. This keeps your blood sugar levels stable. When your blood sugar levels drop you get too hungry & almost always eat more than your body needs.
3. Combine lean protein & complex carbs at every meal! They are the optimal combination so your belly gets the perfect fuel & the food gets digested the slowest possible, which is awesome! It gives you energy for longer periods of time & keeps you full.
4. Consume adequate healthy fats each day. Your body, especially your brain needs essential fats. Sources of healthy fats are: almonds, avocados, cashews, flax seed, hazelnut oil, olive oil, pecans, pumpkinseed oil, safflower oil, sunflower seeds, and walnuts. About 15% of your diet should come from healthy fats from fish, nuts, seeds & healthy oils. This works out to be about 25% of your daily calories. TIP - when reading nutrition labels remember the word "hydrogenated" means trans fat, so stay away!
5. Drink at least 2 liters or 8 cups of water each day. Many times when your brain sends a craving or a signal to eat, we are miss reading that signal. The body is really just needing water. When your belly is full of water you will eat far less each day & still feel wonderful satisfied!
6. Never miss a meal, especially breakfast!
7. Carry a cooler loaded w/Eat-Clean foods to get through the day. There are many stylish coolers nowadays that look like purses. Anytime I go anywhere, I make sure to pack a healthy snack for all of us!
8. Avoid all over-processed, refined foods, especially white flour & sugar. You'll discover these foods often make you feel gross, unmotivated, moody, irritable, and lethargic shortly after eating them. And, may I mention they are addictive.

Any thoughts?

Thursday, April 1, 2010


We've all got weaknesses...I'm going to tell you mine. Even though I am getting closer and closer to my goals, it doesn't mean I'm perfect. I slip up every now and then. I even feel weak at times. One I struggle with every now and stopping once I get started.

I have great willpower from sweet things; however, if I take one's all over. I can't stop myself after that. I can't be one of those people that have one tiny bite of something sweet and be satisfied after that. So it's simple, I just say no...right?

Last night I went to a ward function and there was a table set up with LOTS of desserts. I decided even before I left that I would not eat anything there. (I had already eaten dinner). So I got there, and it wasn't a problem. I was slightly tempted, but I had already made the decision not to...partake, if you will. So I was proud of myself. It's not as if I will never again eat anything sweet, but I just have to be careful. Very careful! And I have to look at food and say, "Who's stronger, me?...or you??" The answer is obvious, we are stronger. And once I answer that question, I ask another. What do I want more...that cookie? Or a healthier me? Again, the answer is obvious!

Anyway, but that's my weakness. What's yours? If you feel so inclined to share!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Stats 03/05/10

Finally!! And I am happy with them! Here we go:

I did the first stats on the 22nd of January. So it's been a few weeks!

Arms: 11.0--------->10.5
Thighs: 20.0------->20.0
Hips: 35.0--------->34.0
Waist: 27.0-------->26.5
Butt: 36.75-------->36.0

Friday, February 26, 2010


My new Turbo Gear!

And sorry...haven't done my stats yet! Life keeps getting in the way. :) I will try this weekend!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What's been going on?

I finally took the plunge and became a beachbody coach! I've been wanting to do it for MONTHS now! And I just bought my first set of Shakeology which I have wanted to try for sooo long as well. The direction my life is headed is really exciting for me. Besides the Gospel and my family, fitness is my life. Every day I am trying to think of better ways to eat, how to get most out of my workouts and how to stay healthy and active for my entire life.

I am not doing it to earn least not at first. Soon John and I are going to work together to inform his patients about what Beachbody has to offer, if they are interested. I really want to share with everyone I know how exciting being fit can be. I am not all the way to my goals yet, but I am getting closer every day.

I am still training for my half marathon in June! I also just trained to get certified to teach Turbo Kick! I also called the Santaquin rec. center and they were thrilled to have a turbo kick class come to their gym. I told them I wouldn't be able to work until April, but they said they'd have a class at 6:00AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays for me! Um....can you say AWESOME??? And Elite Fitness here in Payson said they were interested too! So we'll see how it all plays out. Either way, I am happy!

So those are the latest updates in my life! Tomorrow I will do a weigh-in and measurement check on myself. Thanks for all your support everyone! And if any of you are interested in starting up this new adventure with me, you know where to find me!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Stats 01/22/10


I don't see a huge difference, only my arms look a little thinner. BUT...on my stats my arms were the only things that stayed the same. Hmmm...I know they are getting more toned, so that makes me happy. Like I've said before, my arms have always been the thing I've been the most self concious of...and I am going to change that, for good! So excited.

Arms: 11.0--------->11.0
Thighs: 21.0------->20.0
Hips: 36.0--------->35.0
Waist: 27.5-------->27.0
Butt: 37.25-------->36.75

I'm happy with those stats!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hello world...

Announcement: This blog is now...not private! So go ahead and put me on google reader so you can know when I've posted something new! Thanks!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


My workout schedule is as follows until March 22nd, when I start my official 1/2 marathon training.

Monday: 3 mile run
Tuesday: Turbo Jam (Punch, Kick and Jam)
Wednesday: 3 mile run
Thursday: Turbo Jam (Punch, Kick and Jam) + Yoga
Friday: 4 mile run
Saturday: Turbo Jam (Turbo Sculpt)
Sunday: Day off

My goal is to run 10-11 miles per week, and do cross training every other day. And as I get stronger, I will increase my mileage too! And I truly can't wait until it gets warmer so I can run outside!! Treadmills are not my favorite! But it's better than nothing! :)

I can do hard things!

Ok, so I have been slacking in the blogging department! Here's what I've been up to! I signed up for the Provo 1/2 Marathon in June and I am sooo excited. Part of me is really intimidated of course, I am not a great runner. BUT...I don't want that to be an excuse. I've always (in the back of my mind) wanted to run any kind of marathon, but kept doubting myself...saying I couldn't possibly do that. I have turned a new leaf now! I am tired of doubting my abilities. I was never an athlete, why can't I be one now? The only thing stopping me would be myself!!! And I have found a new confidence lately that has come with a big change of heart.

I am capable, strong and motivated! I am not immune to pain...I am having issues with my right knee at the moment, but it isn't going to stop me from trying to accomplish my goal. I am not even looking to finish this race in a certain time, I just don't want to be last. haha! But more importantly, I am learning things about myself I never knew. The more I live a healthier lifestyle, the happier I am. I am a better mother and wife as well. When I feel good about myself, I am happy!!! And I have this confidence that shouts out, "NOTHING CAN STOP ME!!!!!!!!!"

So here I am, training for something hard...but I can do hard things! I can do hard things! I can do hard things! I can do hard things! I CAN DO HARD THINGS!!!!!!!!!

Keep checking in, I will try to post at least twice a week now.